5 Things to Finish Your Orthodontic Treatment on Time
1. Good oral hygiene
Far more important than straight teeth are healthy teeth. You won’t be doing yourself any favors if you have perfectly straight teeth but need a set of dentures because you didn’t care for them during your orthodontic treatment. It also takes more effort to keep your teeth clean and healthy during orthodontic treatment as braces offer many nooks and crannies for plaque to build up on. For that reason it is required that during your orthodontic treatment you maintain excellent oral hygiene and get regular dental checkups every 6 months.
2. Get your extractions done if you need them
In cases with severe crowding, a non-ideal facial profile, or an asymmetrical bite, extractions may be necessary. It is essential that you get those extractions done as soon as possible so as not to delay your treatment.
3. Don’t break your brackets
Broken brackets can result in unwanted tooth movement and can extend treatment times. Follow the diet guidelines we provide you with and check for broken brackets at the end of every day, usually the best time is while brushing your teeth at night. If a bracket is broken, call our office immediately so we can schedule you an appointment to get it back on so as not to delay your treatment.
4. Don't miss appointments
Thanks to modern innovations in the field of orthodontics, your initial wires will act over a long period of time allowing your orthodontist to see you less frequently, usually every 4-6 weeks. But regular activations are still necessary, and sometimes teeth may move in ways we don’t want and catching it early on will help keep you on track.
5. Wear your elastics
Rubber bands, or elastics, are usually worn from your top teeth to your bottom teeth and help in bite correction. It’s the one part of treatment that the patient has full control over and it’s essential that they are worn as prescribed if the patient is to finish treatment on time. Usually elastics should be worn all day and all night except when eating or brushing your teeth, but your orthodontist may prescribe something different so check with them to make sure.